
New Solutions to Carbon Emissions

June 24, 2020

birch forest

Net Zero buildings have been at the cutting edge of Green building in the last decade. The foundation of this is that once the building opens for business it produces the energy it consumes. A net zero building is also expected to recycle waste, including carbon dioxide

Embodied carbon emissions are the new frontier in the building world. There is an entire industry emerging that is dedicated to analyzing how much carbon is produced in construction, and how it can be eradicated. 

For instance two Swedish companies, Skanska and Volvo, are at the forefront of research and have plans for embodied carbon reduction. Their plans for all new buildings, infrastructure, and renovations detail 40% less emissions by 2030, and zero emissions by 2050. 

Let’s hope they can do it! 

Channel Lumber is dedicated to the vision and day to day operation of Green Building as well as the promotion of Green Building across the construction industry. 

Please contact us for more information about how to build Green.

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